Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The nurse

Carl is a senior nursing officer in charge of policy decisions for the wards. Since he got a broadband connection via a community wireless network he has been able to work from home when he needs some peace to think things through. He says this saves him an hours travelling time and for some tasks it is more productive working in a quiet rural location than his busy office. These days are scheduled to fit in with family life such as waiting for the gas man to call etc. It saves him taking days off as annual leave. He can work from home if one of the children are ill, which saves him calling to say he can't go to work, as he can continue working from home. He also uses the broadband connection to do research at night from home, which saves valuable time whilst on the ward. Before he got broadband he used to stay late at the hospital to do this, which also had an impact on his home life.

He worked out that over a 12 month period the added value would equate to one tenth of his salary. Therefore if 9 others in his hospital could do the same the equivalent of another nurse manager's wages would be available in the NHS trust's budget.


Blogger chris said...

Just commenting here to keep the blogspot alive.

3:49 AM  

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